June 20

Tis the season for crow attacks

Local News


Crows Bigelow Newton

A pair of crows that attacked people on Queen Anne last year

We haven’t received any reports of crow attacks on Queen Anne – yet. But, it’s peak season for crows dive-bombing unsuspecting people out on walks, runs, or bike rides around the neighborhood.

Baby crows are just starting to fledge, and the parents are doing what’s natural – they’re protecting them. And, that means attacking unsuspecting people and dogs too (my dog knows “leave it” is serious business with crows).

KUOW interviewed UW wildlife professor John Marzluff about crow attacks. He gave these three tips:

  • Ignore the crows.
  • Avoid areas where you draw their attention.
  • Wear a mask with eyes on the back of your head – crows attack from behind and don’t attack faces.”

Click on the image below for an NPR video that further explains crow attacks and the 3 tips above:

If you’ve been attacked by a crow, let us know where (cross streets are helpful) so we can alert Queen Anne residents. Follow the rules and stay safe… although, if everyone follow the third rule, Queen Anne will be a very odd sight to those not in the know!


crow attack, crows

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